Today was a day to write about, but I'm not even sure how to start.
The day started off with our normal meeting with the house moms, playing with kids, praying, reading Scripture. I have been starting off our weekly meetings with Scriptures specifically teaching about grace and patience and this week was no different. Ironically we were reading through Matthew 5 which talks about when someone hits you on one cheek, turn your face and let them hit you on the other... having no idea what was going on in the other room.
Suffice it to say that those in the other room have not learned this lesson. Our two youngest girls were having a literal fist fight when we came running in to the sound of screams. Hair-pulling, beating heads against the wall, punches, throwing people on the floor... and over a sandwich. Thankfully in His wisdom God gave me a good strong mom voice and it was enough to send them to their seperate rooms. But oh the tears, and screams, and shouting, and threats, and blame casting...
I have been writing lately about grace and a lot of it and that's because it is what I have been praying about so much. It has become increasingly apparent over the last few weeks that our two younger moms do not know Jesus and need Him desperately. I feel as though I am seeing an increase in Spiritual warfare, it is if Satan is trying everything to fight to hold on to their hearts... could it be we are on the edge of a breakthough? I beg the Lord that this is the case. I beg Him to save them. I beg Him to show them their sin and drive them to their knees... because if not, we are at the end of our rope.
As Mike explained to them today, we are full of grace and love and patience and forgiveness, but the government is not. And ultimately we are responsible for the girls in the home and the babies. And oh how it broke my heart to see a little girl crying for her mommy who we could not let her go to see because mommy was too angry. She snuck out the front door to go stand outside her mommy's window just to be close to her because she knew something was wrong. Isn't sin so destructive?!? We are responsible for these physical bodies and for these little hearts. Could it be that someone has to leave?
I thought today would be the day... one of them tried to leave the house with her baby in tow and take off in a taxi. Both have said they don't want to be there anymore. Okay. Today we gave them the option, real and straight-forward. If you cannot live under the rules of this house, you can choose to leave. We will drive you to the courthouse and the judge will decide where you and your baby go, and it probably will not be anywhere together. We are one of the only homes that accepts moms and babies together. We don't want that, we want you to be HERE! We want to love you, we want you to know Jesus, we want you to know that life doesn't have to be a constant heart battle! We want you to surrender to Jesus, to let Him change you, we want you to know real and abiding peace. Oh I wish we could force you... but we can't. So if you choose to go, we will let you.
There was a lawyer and a boss man and lots of tears and talking. In the end they both stayed, for now. But I am begging for your prayers. Pray for strength for the house moms because they are so weary. Pray for wisdom for me. But most of all pray for the salvation of these two precious girls who are fighting so hard to run from Jesus, but I know He is after them. Pray that satan will not win, pray that they will give their hearts to Jesus.