Monday, December 9, 2013


I don't want to forget all the funny things my kids are doing and saying these days... but some of them I've already forgotten!

Andres says "monkey backpack" all the time as if its a conversation starter. But it kind of is since it makes anyone smile :) He thinks that the word for clock is ocho. The word for toilet is peepee potty. Where do you go peepee? In the peepee potty. Where do you go poo poo? In the peepee potty. He either says again or otratra vez because anything that is funny should clearly be done 3000 times. He loves to whisper hush along with the old lady from Goodnight Moon. He repeats everything! He says goodbye to water when you turn the shower off. And when he wants food he just asks for one. Una mami, una. He speaks Spanglish entirely refusing to say certain words in one language or the other.

The older three are constantly arguing over who speaks the most English. Its Nicolle, but I would never tell them that. And Dixi is a close second. I wish I could just have a tape recorder on them all the time as they switch back and forth from English to Spanish just using the words they know in each. Nicolle often insists (while speaking Spanish) that she is forgetting her Spanish and only speaks English now. All of them love the song by Bruno Mars "Today I don't feel like doing anything..." and break into song at any point in time. They also will just randomly tell me their memory verses when they feel like speaking English even though it is relevent to absolutely nothing. The two girls love to help me cook and I'm trying to figure out things they can make on their own. They help a lot with chores and are slowly getting to the point that I don't have to redo things when they are done :)

Today I had to laugh at Nicolle because she yelled from the backseat... "Mom... Dixi is touching me!" And I thought... yep, you speak enough English now that you are telling on each other in English.

This time with Dixi has been so fun and really not too hard of an adjustment. The kids really do play well together and are loving having another sibling around!

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