Wednesday, October 23, 2013


They are growing up, too fast!

G is such a laid back baby.  She is a good sleeper and rarely cries.  The only time she really cries, she screams, and its when her food is gone.  Man she loves to eat!  She eats anything and everything that she can get her hands on.  She has always been a pretty serious baby, but recently I've seen more and more smiles and giggles, she just has to be in the right mood!

O is changing every day.  This kid is so active.  He is skinny and all muscle.  He climbs, crawls, scoots, pulls up, anything he can do to get around.  He doesn't love sleeping, probably because its boring :)  If you can get him in the right mood he has a huge grin that stretches from ear to ear.

K is currently moving forward in school and really has learned a lot since we started in June.  She is learning some Honduran history and culture, which means I am learning Honduran history and culture!  We've made flags and crests and memorized songs.  She is learning about literature and theater and we've made puppets and written stories.  She hates math, but is learning it anyways :)  I want to try to get her working, so please pray for a part-time job of some kind to open up for her.  She spend a lot of time just at home doing homework and hanging out.

B is also currently jobless since the store closed.  She has applied to a bunch of places and is pretty qualified, but a little unmotivated since her life needs are all being met at the moment.  She is waiting to hear back and we are praying for a full-time job with a steady income for her.  That would be a big step towards looking towards moving her into the real world.  She is super helpful around the house and a great mom.

We've been studying the prodigal son at our weekly Bible study.  We've looked at the nature of God being a God who searches for lost things, US!  We've seen the nature of the younger son to go after the far country and his own desires far from the Father.  And we've seen the unforgettable Father who has shown Himself to be forgiving, loving, compassionate, and merciful.  The girls are receiving the lessons well and participating.  Its hard to know exactly what sinks in, but we are seeing growth in baby steps.

Please keep praying with us for these girls and babies and all that the Lord is doing here!

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