Tuesday, October 15, 2013


It was short conversation, but heartfelt.

Last night after Bible study with the girls one of them pulled me into her room to talk for a minute.  I was expecting drama or slightly ridiculous questions or speculations because this is usually what I get from her.  To my shock and surprise, she apologized.  Not for anything specific, but just for her attitude, her behavior, over the last year and a half.  God is doing something big in this girls heart!  Never have I seen her so humble or broken.  She took responsibility for her actions, has repented before the Lord, and came to me to ask forgiveness.  Wow.

We both cried :)  And I got to talk to her about forgiveness and the sweetness of it.  And about the Lord's forgiveness and how her sins are now as far as the east is from the west.  There is such joy in the Lord's overwhelming grace to us that He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, but He forgets them instead.

And then the babies came busting in and it was moment interrupted.  But it was good and it was enough.  And I am so thankful that the Lord let me see a break-through in her heart.  Please pray for Him to keep working, to keep softing her heart, and to keep wooing her to Himself.

1 comment:

  1. And He is good and He is enough.
    aren't those moments priceless?
    will I see you in Greenville? :-)
