Thursday, October 31, 2013


Every day we are seeing growth.  Some days its a baby learning to pull up on the furniture, sometimes its a new English word or a taste a new food they've never eaten before.  But every day there is something small that lets us know that they are learning and growing in a healthy and safe environment.  The other day my heart was so full and joyful as the two oldest broke out into song... worship songs that they know from church.  Singing over and over again..."eres todo para mi"  You are everything to me!

And its not just the babies... the girls are growing too.  I'm thankful we have these babies that shows signs of growth because with their moms it is much more slow in coming!  But we do see it... signs that the Lord is working and changing their hearts.

I see it in a conversation that before would have caused a defensive explosion, but this time was just a conversation.  I see it in the questions they ask me, the real desire to know the answer instead of argue.  Its in the little ways that they show respect to the house moms and to each other, do someone's else's chore or say a kind word.... there are little steps, but steps nonetheless.

Monday night we had Bible study and we were talking about grace and how amazing it is that God who is holy and set apart would love us.  We read in Scripture where God says to us... "Be holy as I am holy" and one of the girls asked a very real and excellent question.  "How can we possibly do that?"

Exactly.  We can't.  And that's why we need Jesus.  I am praying every day for them to really understand that and cling to HIM.

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