Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pavement Project

Its almost official… we are so close to forming a partnership between MTW’s team Honduras and the Pavement Project.  If you have no idea what that means, you should read here.  The Pavement Project is a ministry with at-risk or street children that works from a picture-based counseling program.  Currently they are holding Kate and I a spot at their September training so that we can go and learn more about this ministry and receive training to use their materials.  We are SO excited!!!  And a little nervous… the training will be five 8-hour days of Spanish… that is a lot!  So you can be praying for that.

But our overwhelming emotion is just excitement that the Lord is putting this tool in our hands to reach kids for His kingdom here in Honduras.

I want to share a story with you of a girl that went through this program in Acapulco.

A dripping faucet can pass un-noticed for years.  The dripping is slow and rhythmic, but can cause enormous damage over time.  A little at a time, drop by drop, the faucet is eroded from the inside out.  Imagine if your heart was like this faucet.  Imagine if you suffered pain so deep and yet felt forgotten by everyone as it just dripped and dripped.

This image was given by Lucia, 12 years old, when asked to describe herself.  She drew a black and white picture of a dripping faucet and explained to her counselor how the pain of her father’s death was destroying her inside.  She felt that she was a faucet running with sadness and pain and that she was simply not important to anyone.

After describing herself in this way, Lucia heard many stories from Scripture that showed how important Lucia is to God and how much He loves her.  One story spoke to her heart… the story of when Jesus gave life to the widow’s son.  Lucia began to cry as she understood for the first time that Jesus could take all of her sadness and pain and renew her hope in the same way that He had done it for the widow.

Now when Lucia was asked to describe herself in a drawing, it was no longer black and white.  It was a beautiful butterfly with colorful wings that Lucia described as happy, beautiful, and FREE!

Please pray for the children that are going through this program now and that the Lord would prepare the hearts of the children in La Ceiba that He has planned for us to work with after we receive this training.

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