Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Four Loves

This morning I started reading “The Four Loves” by CS Lewis.  Those of you who know me know that I’m not really a reader when it comes to books you have to really think through.  I’m more of a reader of fictional fluff.  But this is a book I’ve been meaning to read for a long time… so I’m praying I learn something!

This really struck me today…
M. Denis de Rougemont says “love ceases to be a demon only when he ceases to be a God” 

To which Lewis replies…
"If we ignore it the truth that God is love may slyly come to mean for us the converse, that love is God… Every human love, at its height, has a tendency to claim for itself a divine authority.  Its voice tends to sound as if it were the will of God Himself.  It tells us not to count the cost, it demands of us a total commitment, it attempts to over-ride all other claims and insinuates that any action which is sincerely done ‘for love’s sake’ is thereby lawful and even meritorious.”

Wow.  I can’t even begin to explain how important I think this message is for myself and the generation in which I have grown up.  The fairy tale idea of love is romantic, idealistic, and idolized.  People live for the idea of loving another person and even believers turn that back on truths of Scripture for the sake of love.  People also do all kinds of harm in the name of “just loving people”.  I think of all the harm done overseas because people go and give and overwhelm impoverished communities with their giving in the name of love.  But it doesn’t help anyone long-term except to make them dependent.

I’m not pointing any fingers because I will say that I am guilty of believing this fairy tale love is enough in friendships and ministry… to the point that it has been detrimental to my walk with the Lord.  And I have had to really wrestle with how the truth of Scripture really does enrich love and teach us how to let God define love for us and trust that His love is the best kind of love.

Just thinking today… thankful that God is patient with me as I learn to trust that He is love, totally and completely.


  1. I love this book, I hope you enjoy it! And I hardly ever comment b/c I read through Google Reader...but I do love your blog. And you!

  2. I love these quotes -- thanks for sharing them and your thoughts. I'll have to add this to my "to read" list...
