Sunday, August 21, 2011

Internship anyone?

Puerta de Esperanza will be opening its first home late this fall.  Our goal is to open the doors and move girls in before December 1st.  The Lord has already provided people to come down and help me get the house ready… the house that I am trusting the Lord to provided before October :)  But I have another area of need…

An Intern!

I am really praying that the Lord will provide someone else to come down and work with this ministry.  This internship would be anywhere from 6-11 months working with teenage moms teaching them about Jesus.  The intern needs to be speak at least good conversational Spanish since this job is based on building relationships.  The responsibilities would be anything from helping get the house set-up to holding babies to cleaning toilets to teaching Bible studies… you know, its flexible :)

Please let me know if you are interested or know anyone who is interested.  Ideal times to come would be a possible gap year between high school and college, after college, between jobs, or just b/c the Lord calls you and you can’t say no!

You can email me if you want more info

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