Monday, May 16, 2011

Home is where the rump rests

“Home is where the rump rests.”  - Pumba (The Lion King)

I feel like this needs to be my life motto these days.  I’ve been living in different places for the last 11 months always being in transition.  A few months here, a few weeks there, hanging clothes in a closet, now living out of a suitcase.  Home has had to just be wherever I am for the time being.  I remember after visiting Honduras in January getting really overwhelmed to find 3 currencies of money in my wallet (colones from CR, lempira from Honduras, and dollars) and knowing that I would actually use all of them again.  It made me feel homeless or like I had too many homes, I couldn’t decide.

Tomorrow I move into my newest house, so my newest home.  I’ve been waiting for the landlord to finish up work on the house (which isn’t done, but done enough to live there) for the last 2 weeks.  And today I moved in all my stuff, got it sprayed for bugs, put sheets on my bed, and started to feel like I was going to get to stay somewhere for awhile!  What a blessing :)

I think it hit me today that transition is hard, harder than you may even let yourself believe as you are going through it.  Today someone said something to me that I could usually have handled b/c I usually don’t get my feelings hurt all that easily.  And they didn’t mean it offensively at all.  Oh, but today I couldn’t handle it.  And then it was as if the tears had a mind of their own.  I think I cried for everything that is uncomfortable and hard and different, for every moment of my brother’s graduation weekend that I couldn’t be there, for every day that I’ve lived out of a suitcase, and for every goodbye that I’ve had to say.  And then my house was a mess, it took two trips to the bank to get rent paid, and when I got home after moving and cleaning and desperately wanted a shower, the water was off.  It was just one of those days.

And you know what.  Its still worth it.  Even on one of “those days”.  There is still no place that I would rather be than right here.  I am confident the Lord put me here and I am confident that He sustains me and goes before me in every step.  He has given me a great team who didn’t judge me for falling apart, but instead saw through the momentary frustration and saw someone who is adjusting to a new life. They’ve been here, they’ve walked this.  They get it.  And I think we would all say that its worth it.

So, maybe home is where the rump rests when you are following Jesus and you know you are resting right where He has you to be.  And that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have its moments and you would rather rest your rump elsewhere.  Today I wanted to rest my rump in an air-conditioned hotel room where I could take a shower. 

But tomorrow I get to move to a new house where I get to settle and be and know that I’m here for awhile.  And that may be even better than a hotel room :)


  1. Rest your rump happily in your new digs! And enjoy the time to settle into your new life! we love you tonnes!

  2. I love your heart! Thanks for sharing friend, praying.
