Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peru to China

Sorry I’m in the habit of updating my blog two posts at a time, but sometimes things need their own post b/c the topics are super different.  I’m the writer so I can do what I want… right?  I vote yes :)

Anyway, back to the story.  So, Ide is a friend who I always visit at the market (p.s. I don’t actually know how to spell her name, whoops!).  I love Ide for so many reasons: she is super friendly, she is really patient with my terrible Spanish, she always thinks my name is Sonya, and she laughs all the time.  I think we finally cleared up the name thing, and just to clarify, generally she is laughing at me.  She also doesn’t forget anything and reminds me of my past Spanish blunders everytime we talk.  They get funnier everytime because she just keeps cracking up out them. 

For instance, one time I told her I was going to move to Honduras using the verb mover.  Apparently you don’t use that for people, who knew?  Clearly not me.  So she laughed lots, corrected me, and now everytime she sees me she says… you’re going to move (mover) to Honduras right?  And then laughs some more.

Yesterday I went to visit Ide and found out through conversation that she is from Peru.  Cool.  Here is the rest of the conversation as I heard it…
Me: I really love Peruvian food and I hadn’t had it until I came to Costa Rica
Ide: What do you like?
Me: I don’t remember the name, but I ate at the restaurant Macho Pichu
Ide: That restaurant is not Peruvian, its Chinese
Me: ¿Qué?
Ide: It used to be Peruvian, now its Chinese
Me: When?  This week?  Because I just ate there and I know it was not Chinese food.
Ide: hahahahahahahaha…

Turns out the OWNER used to be Peruvian and now is Chinese, so the food isn’t as good.  Seems I missed a crucial word.  Sometimes you just have to laugh. :)

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