Saturday, May 5, 2012

People series #5 - Ever

Ever is 11, or maybe 13.  His mom swears that his birthday is not what his birth certificate says.  But her name is actually not on his birth certificate either, so there is actually no telling.

Ever went to school this year for the first time EVER!  And he loves it!  He is more on the shy side and keeps to himself.  He was ashamed to report that he got in trouble one day for talking in class, surprisingly out of character for him, but I don’t think it will happen again.  He has the sweetest servant’s heart and gives me hugs every time he walks in the door.  He loves us and loves being at our house.  And we rarely have any problems from him.  He is more of a follower, so when the others misbehave he can follow right along behind.  But I think he’s learning to stand more on his own two feet, I hope so.  He loves coming to church and accepted Christ about a month ago.  I am praying that the Lord grows him up and really changes his life.  He likes to go to Sunday school until Kevin says he doesn’t want to go :)  He’s a sweet kid for sure.


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