Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ripple Effect

I really believe that ministry has a ripple effect.  I think it was the way that the Lord intended it to be.  Nothing makes me happier than to hear that one of my Peace girls (is it bad that sometimes I think of them as my kids?) is leading a Bible study or working at camp or working with YoungLife.  It means that the Lord has radically changed their lives to think, not solely about themselves, but for others and to give their lives away so that others can know Jesus.  Most of these girls knew Jesus before I knew them, I just got to get to walk alongside them for a little while in their journey and it still just makes me happy to see where God is taking them.

I got to see the first ripple effect of PDE on Tuesday.  The message came that social services had just picked up a 10 day old baby and had nothing for her.  Social services has been officially on strike for almost a month, but the director is wonderful and works anyway.  But because of that they had nothing for this little girl with hydrocephalous and a malnourished mom who can’t provide for her.  Well, you should have seen C and Y’s faces light up when I told them about this.  They remember.  They know what it is like to be scared, to have nothing.  So we ran around the house with big grins on our faces finding onsies and bottles and pacifiers and diapers and wishing that this little one was coming to live with us.  C assured me that she could take care of her :) 

It just gave me so much joy to see them so enthusiastic about loving and serving, even to the point of giving away some of their own things for this little girl.  Please pray that they will keep falling in love with Jesus and long with all their hearts for others to know Him too.

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