Thursday, March 1, 2012

Comercial Puerta de Esperanza

That means store.  That’s right, we’re starting a store :)

The Lord is full of surprises, I mean, the kind of things I never could have pretended to think up.  We have been praying over the last month for jobs for the girls, specifically for C as she needs to be able to help pay for her college starting in August.  It is hard to find work, especially with a flexible enough schedule that will allow her to go to school and be a good mom. 

Turns out that our house mom used to sell used clothes (which is really common here) and when I hired her she was in between two locations.  But she still had a whole stock of stuff sitting in her house that she was willing to sell to us!  And the Pettengills had a bunch of stuff that they kindly donated to us to get started.  So now we have two rooms full of clothes and our first clients have come to the house!  The girls are already making some money that they’ll use to buy clothes hangers and sign materials, etc.

I don’t want strangers in the house, for obvious reasons, so we’ll be renting a store front, hopefully within walking distance from the house.  There are permits to get and paperwork to fill out and I know nothing about running a business.  Again, God has a sense of humor.  But we’re all going to learn together.  And the best part is that the girls can make jewelry and sell it, learn to sew bags and maybe even baby quilts and sell them, and basically anything else that they want.

Can you help?  Yes yes yes.

The less money that we have to invest in clothes up front, the more money goes straight to the girls and making Puerta de Esperanza totally self-sustaining.  (Isn’t it cool that the Lord is making a way for this ministry to sustain itself?)  So if you want to donate clothes… please do it!  We have summer teams coming down that can maybe bring stuff and other visitors as well.  Or there are ways to mail stuff.  We’ll figure it out.  Let me know if you have stuff to send us!

1 comment:

  1. This brought me to tears! I love how the Lord works! So evident that His thoughts are not our thoughts, because His are so much greater! Can't wait to see this come to fruition!
