Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Knowing Jesus

Ever is one of “our boys” as we call them. He has been going to church with me since August and just started going to Sunday school most of the time. Well Sunday he came to big church instead because it was just him who came with us. The sermon was on living in peace with those around you (a hard message for a kid who has learned to retaliate in order to survive). We talked about turn the other cheek and love your enemies. The Lord has really been pricking my heart to really share the Gospel with these boys in a direct way and on the way home I got a chance to do just that after talking through the sermon with him. With Caitlin in the seat next to me we prayed with Ever to accept Christ!!!

Its hard to know at this point how much he really understands, but he knows enough to know that He is a sinner and he needs Jesus in his life to forgive him and make a way for him to know God.  And that’s a great place to start : )

Please pray for Ever and that the Lord will grab his heart and make him into a Godly man.  Pray that he will learn more and more about Jesus and fall more and more in love with Him.  Pray for us to be faithful to teach him and encourage him.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, this made me cry (good tears! Haha) -- so awesome. Keep doing what you're doing, Shan!! Miss you, friend.
