Wednesday, March 7, 2012

11 Questions

A friend recently tagged me on her blog with 11 questions… I’m not sure I have the creativity to make up my own questions right now to send on, but I wanted to take a minute to answer these. 

And here are my eleven questions:
1) What is your favorite season?
Definitely Spring in NC.  One, its my birthday, two, its not so cold!  But in Honduras I’m going to have to go with the season of “not so hot”, which comes around December/January :)

2) Are you a morning person or do you prefer staying up late?
Staying up late.

3) What gives you joy?
This week hearing an adult tell me that the Jesus Storybook Bible was God speaking directly to him.  I love that God uses simple things to teach us lessons about grace and the Gospel.  Also kids, laughter, babies, the ocean, the mountains, chocolate…

4) What is your family like?
Right now my family is wide and deep.  Some of them live in NC.  They love to play games, sail, laugh, sing praise songs, watch the Muppet Christmas Carol, and have a thousand people over for Christmas dinner.  Some of them speak Spanish, love to learn new things, laugh often, have suffered more than a teenager ever should, and are learning how to love and serve deeply.  And some of them serve with me here in Honduras united in vision and purpose to share about Jesus.  So what is my family like?  United in Christ much more than by blood and learning every day what it looks like every day to open ourselves up to be used by Him.

5) What would you prefer to grow if you had a garden- vegetables or flowers, and why?
Vegetables.  I’m practical, and I love to eat :)

6) What is a favorite memory from your childhood?
Beach vacations with my family and grandparents.  Especially when my grandma would take us out to the beach in the morning for a breakfast picnic.

7) How long have you been blogging and what made you start?
I started my blog about 3 years ago when I started raising support to move overseas as a missionary.  I first named it Many the Miles because it seemed like it would be a long process before I ever got Honduras.  Now I’m here, but realizing that the name is still fitting as the Lord is taking me continual journey of learning and growing in wisdom, culture, compassion, and grace.  I have a ways to go as I learn about ministry here, but He is taking me every step.

8) What usually draws your attention at a wedding or special event?
I’m am 100% relational in personality.  So I always pay attention to how people interact with one another.  How the bride looks at the groom, family dynamics, etc.  People watching.  It’s a favorite past-time.

9) Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Definitely an extrovert.  I need a little alone time every once in awhile, but mostly I’m charged by people.  I’m not outgoing all the time, but I love being around people and spending quality time.  I’m a verbal processer, so my roommates always get an earful.

10) Who is your favorite artist or musician?
The answer to this changes all the time.  Right now I love Bethany Dillon.  I love to sing along at the top of my lungs, especially to her song, “The Kingdom”.

11) How do you cope with disappointments?
In the past year I have learned more about dependence on the Lord than ever before.  The Lord goes before all things and in Him all things hold together.  So when I’m disappointed, I have to remember that the One who is in control is far bigger and wiser than I am and He has everything under control.

1 comment:

  1. Love it, Shannon. Can you send me a picture that I can run on my blog? I want to put up the questions and one of your answers, then link to your blog.
    I think this is a fun way to learn about people!
