Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pray Pray Pray

Tomorrow morning I head 2 hours out of town to meet possible girl #3 and her baby.  I’m praying so much for this day because I need so much discernment.  I would like to bring her back with me tomorrow if she is going to come.  But, with the other girls I had so much more time to get to know them first.  They also didn’t live so far away.  So… all to say.  Please be praying for me!

The other girls are doing pretty well.  I’ve been convicted this week of needing to talk to them about something really important.  The hard part is, its something I’ve never had to do since I have never had children of my own… but I’ve done it with friends and people I’ve ministered to… and that is, trusting the people that we love to the Lord.

Its hard.  But I would assert that it is a habit they should start now… praying for their children and asking the Lord to give them faith that what He has for their children is better than what they can come up with for them.  It is so hard to watch those that you love make choices you wouldn’t make for them.  Its hard to lose someone that you love if the Lord chooses to take them when you think its too soon.  And yet… if the Lord is good, and we believe He is, if He really loves these little ones, and we believe He does, and He is powerful, which we have seen that He is… then He is far more capable of taking care of them than we are.  Its going to be hard and emotional and I think a fight to teach them to trust their sweet babies to the Lord.  So pray for us in that too.

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