Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cultural Swings

They say that culture shock comes in waves, and I believe them.  Over the past 11 months there have times when I love this culture, hate this culture, don’t feel like I know this culture, and the list goes on.  I would love to find a place to hang out that is a healthy balance.

This week… I’m frustrated.  And it has a lot less to do with the culture than it has to do with me.  I’m tired of not saying what I thought I said and finding out people were waiting on me when I didn’t know I was supposed to be going somewhere.  I’m tired of not knowing when its okay to say something and when you’re supposed to be quiet.  I’m tired of not knowing how to respond when I feel like a situation is pushing the limits of appropriate.  I don’t know how to be an employer.  I don’t always know how to be a friend.

I am confident that I am exactly where the Lord wants me to be.  But I did find myself this week longing for home a little bit where I know what to expect when I have a conversation with someone, where I say exactly what I mean to say.  Just wait… next week I’ll be okay and probably be able to list off 100 culture things that I love.  But for this week I’m tired of all the not knowing.

1 comment:

  1. I love your honesty and living in the moment. I feel you girl. Miss you!
