Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beginnings and Ends

I would like to announce a very exciting beginning and a very exciting end.

The preparation is ending!  This past week the Lord provided a precious woman to be our house “abuela” for Puerta de Esperanza!  Doña Oneyda goes to my church and has been there for over 20 years.  She sees this job as a ministry to these girls and is ready to love on them as if they were her own.  She is connected to the church, wants to take them to small group, is going to teach them how to bake… she is amazing!  She loves the Lord and wants to glorify Him with her life.  I can only say, the Lord provided abundantly more than I could ask or imagine.  I look forward to working with her and moving forward in this ministry together.

And as for beginnings… we have an opening date!  January 25th our first mom and baby will move into the house in time to get registered for classes and get settled before starting school in February.  Another girl is coming to visit the home as we investigate possible school options for her.  And I just got a call from social services about a third girl who I am going to meet this morning.  We’re going to have a full house before long!

I am blown away.  I know we’ve been preparing and waiting and working towards this day.  But I love being able to put a date on it and see how the Lord has brought to fulfillment this ministry that He began.  There are still 1000 things that I don’t know and questions that I have.  But the Lord is faithful and I know He is carrying us!  Please praise Him with me!

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