Westley: Who are you? Are we enemies? Why am I on this wall? Where is Buttercup?
Inigo Montoya: Let me 'splain.
Inigo Montoya: No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Buttercup is marry' Humperdinck in a little less than half an hour. So all we have to do is get in, break up the wedding, steal the princess, make our escape... after I kill Count Rugen.
This is how I feel right now… let me sum up! So much has happened in the last week since I’ve blogged. And since I’ve been a slacker, now I don’t get to really write how I want to write. Alas.
This past week I was in North Carolina with my family to celebrate my psuedo-sister’s marriage! The week was full of great things… a 2-year old’s birthday party, meeting a newborn baby of one my best friends, lunch at Mellow Mushrooms with some of my favorites, running errands with Rebecca, sharing about Honduras with the church, roadtrip with Amy, eating lobster and lots of steak, a new favorite book from my sister called “It’s a Book”, late night game with mom and Xan, Target with Halla, Japanese food with Jer, seeing family, getting dressed up, and most importantly, standing beside Megan as she married her best friend :)
I was reminded that I miss people a lot. It is hard to say goodbye even though Honduras is feeling more and more like home. There were some tearful goodbyes, for sure. It was hard to leave.
And yet, in the midst of that, the Lord had my heart in La Ceiba. Last week my church here lost one of their worship leaders when he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Well, at least that’s how it seems from an earthly point of view. And even though I loved being in Cary and didn’t want to leave… I needed to come here and mourn with my church and hurt for those who I love who are hurting. And I needed to feel the reminders that this world is not our home. And I needed to be forced to remember that it is the LORD who walks beside us every day and in all things and He is the most important thing. And I needed to see how He is using this young man’s death to bring GLORY to His name. Its hard to grieve and to feel loss and fear.
But in the spirit of summing up, let me say this. In the joy and in the sorrow the Lord is right there in the midst of it. In the past week I have not felt alone. And the Lord has blessed me with earthly friends to show me His great love and mercy. And for that I’m so thankful.