Thursday, July 8, 2010

Isaías y Deuteronomio

These are the two hardest books of the Bible to pronounce in Spanish… seriously, its rough.  But I love that we are learning books of the Bible and the Lord´s prayer and some of our favorite verses.  I also love that today we did Bible drills in our conversation class for almost two hours!  Great way to practice books of the Bible, numbers in Spanish, and pronunciation as we had to read all of the verses.  Best part… my team won and we got candy :)  Okay both teams got candy, but we still won!

Another great thing is that we started getting ridiculously competitive and cheering for our teams, so we learned go to cheer in Spanish.  It was excellent and we were cracking my teacher up with our Spanish “trash-talk”.

Its slow-going, but I love reading the Bible in Spanish because I have to think through ever word of these verses that are so familiar.  Some of them I have read so many times that I start to forget what they mean or just not think about it.  But this way I have to think through every word and I love that.

1 comment:

  1. so encouraged by you! can't wait to work alongside you. can't. wait.
