Sunday, July 18, 2010

favorite new word


We’re studying ropas y clima this weeks… clothes and climate.  And flojo means loose, as in loose-fitting.  I think it is an awesome word.  And the first one I remember from our vocab list!

In other news… after spending yesterday in bed with a fever, I am feeling better.  The antibiotics seem to be working and although my voice and cough don’t sound like it… I really am getting better!  I’ve slept a lot and keep trying to convince my host mom that I don’t have a sore throat!  I think my scratchy voice makes that the first reasonable option.

One conclusion from the weekend… my sick brain hates having to speak Spanish.  It’s just too hard to fight infection and think of new words.


  1. Lo siento estas enferma :-( I love flojo also, but my favorite work - pantuflas! Check that one out :-) It's just plane fun to say!

  2. In Mexico, flojo means lazy. Ha! You can say, "Que flojo(a) eres!" or "Tengo flojera". Hope this doesn't confuse, but only expand your understanding of your new favorite word!
