Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Grace upon Grace

“For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” – John 1:16

I have seen this truth over and over again this week.  Doña Oneyda has endless grace for me as I learn this culture and language.  She is so patient and explains things to me and yet respectfully defers to me and allows me to make decisions.  We had a hard Monday.  One of the girls was so disrespectful and full of attitude.  Her heart was so hard and I think she was just shutting down so that she wouldn’t get hurt.  I talked to her about one of the rules and how she needed to follow it and her response immediately was, “well, what if I don’t, then you’ll just kick me out right?”.  No.  Of course not.  But she is just preparing her heart for what she feels like is the inevitable.  It’s a hard way to live, not letting anyone love you.  But then yesterday she apologized first thing when I got to the house.  And this morning she asked us to pray that the Lord would change her attitude.  Wow.  The Lord is doing something there for sure. 

Also Dr. Greg just happens to be here from the states for our little one’s first sickness.  So we were really thankful that he could come by yesterday and check him out.  Turns out its just a virus, so his poor mom was up with him all night.  We need to pray that he sleeps tonight!

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Every day in this ministry is a challenge.  I have to make decisions that really affect these girls’ lives.  And I have to discern between what is culturally just different and what is really wise.  And I’m just so thankful that the Lord has grace for me and goes before me.

1 comment:

  1. Yes He lavish us with His grace and in our weaknesses He is strong and we are broken for a purpose and to give Him glory. So we make hard decisions and He show His love through them because He honours our serving heart. Do not be dismay my friend because He is using you and He wil Honour your heart. Praying for you, the girls their precious babies and doña Oneyda!
