Thursday, November 17, 2011


When I first got to Honduras I felt really strongly about taking pictures and talking about kids and posting it on the internet.  You may remember the surprisingly absent amount of pictures on my first blogposts about the kids coming to our house.  I felt strongly that I wanted them to know that I wanted to know THEM… not just take their picture.  And I wanted to protect them and their privacy.

Then life happened.  It is just so easy when you live here and you love these kids and they seem like they are your family.  And you want everyone at home to see their precious faces and love them the way that you do because a picture expresses a thousand words.  It really does.

But I’m learning.  What I want to do is not always best.  Through my visits to childrens’ homes and the pavement project training, I was really convicted that for me I need to stick to my original train of thought.  One thing that someone told me stuck out to me so much.  She just reminded me that so many of these kids have suffered abuse and their abuser is still out there somewhere.  I just want to be careful that I don’t put them in harms way for the sake of a picture.

I am telling you this not to force my convictions on anyone else.  But rather, to explain.  You probably won’t be seeing pictures of the Puerta de Esperanza girls on this blog.  I feel more comfortable sending out pictures via email where they aren’t for all the world to see.  So we’ll see how that goes later.  But that’s why the nameless girl in the last post and the lack of pictures of her smiling face and the face of her precious daughter.  You’ll just have to trust me that today they looked full of joy!

1 comment:

  1. I understand your conviction and I will be praying for her, her baby the others to come and for you
