Saturday, November 12, 2011

We did it!

After an intense week of training, Kate and I are both certified by SGM lifewords to use their “Maletin Verde” and do counseling with at risk kids using the Pavement Project material!

Believe me… it’s a big deal :)

Here’s some pictures from the week… not great ones, but… whatever!

This is Kate doing her first practice counseling session


The famous maletin verde


Kate and I with our fellow MTW missionary Martha who works with street children in Mexico City.  She was helping to lead the training and was able to tell us many stories of how the Lord has used this material in the lives of kids.


Here we are!  Our fearless leaders and 8 participants armed with our new supplies. 


It was a BLESSING to meet all of these ladies and get another glimpse of all that the Lord is doing to draw people to Himself around the world.  All these women work with kids at risk and the Lord has given them a real love for Him and for His Word.

Best news of all… armed with my yellow fever vaccine card… I’m going home!  I’ll be back in Honduras tonight :)


  1. Yay! Proud of you and your adventures...

  2. So proud of you! Glad you get to go back to Honduras!
