Friday, September 2, 2011

Great Great News!

I got my car back! :)  About 5 weeks after “The Incident” as I will call it.  My car is running better than it has since I’ve been here.  It was a costly endeavor and tricky to find all the parts we needed and arrange getting them to the mechanic.  But in the end, Raul the Mechanic was very generous with a low labor cost.  He has been so kind and gracious to me, patient with my Spanish, and really skilled in his repair job. 

I would like to take a minute to report on the upsides of having a huge car mess for that last month.

1. My Spanish car vocab has improved a ton!

2. The Lord provided a generous personal gift from a supporter that helped with costs, reminding me that He knows all my needs before they happen and I can trust Him with them.

3. I’ve been on the receiving end of so much generosity from my teammates as they have driven me home, lent me their cars, gone to pick up parts for me, etc.

4. Raul gave me a lesson on driving through water (and on honduran driving in general, but since he basically said none of the laws matter, I think I’ll try to forget the part of the lesson that didn’t revolve around puddles)

5. I’ve been loved and supported and helped by the short-term teams as they did what they could to help while they were here… especially Joseph who spent hours working on my car for me.

Basically it’s a lesson of dependence.  I said when I got here that my favorite thing was having a car again.  For me, a car gives me a sense of independence that I love.  Being able to selfishly go where I want to, when I want to, making as many stops along the way as I want to :)  And it is hard when that is taken away.  But it’s a good reminder that life is not about me and the when and where of what I want.  So… maybe I can continue to learn this lesson and drive a car at the same time :)

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