Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Taste of Home

I know its been less than three weeks, but it is still nice to have little reminders of home.  I had heard that it takes mail 3 weeks to get here, so I haven’t been checking since I haven’t even been here three weeks.  But today one of the other families from NC came and excitedly told me there was mail from Raleigh in the box and it was for me!  We all love to see the name of our hometown :)  So, I got three letters and I loved it!  I went and checked immediately… so a HUGE thank you to my letter writing friends.  You are amazing and made my day!

Today we celebrated the 4th of July at school with a team from the States who are here doing VBS for the missionary kids.  We had hot dogs, played games, and it was great.  I was mostly excited about the cupcakes with red white and blue sprinkles.  I was so excited that I even ate the frosting (which I don’t normally eat)! :) 

Every day here feels a little bit more like home.  I am continuing to bond with my host family, so thank you to anyone who is praying for that.  Today the two year old grand-daughter played with me for a long time and it was so fun!  I’m thankful for all the Lord’s provisions of friends and my host family and little tastes of home!

1 comment:

  1. yay! and i love the new background. very cool.
