Monday, June 14, 2010

First day of Class

Yet another thing in my life has changed… my alarm clock.  I’m so used to using my cell phone and now I am using a travel alarm clock, which I set, but forgot to turn on.  Awesome.  It is all thanks to my Tico mama that I made it to orientation this morning!  Muchas Gracias Doña Josephina!

First thing we took a placement test and I placed into the second beginner class… that is all thanks to Sarah Puffer and Spanish dinners at the Hodges.  So thanks :)  There are four students in my class and we have 2 hours of conversation class and 1 hour of grammer class.  Today it was in the afternoon, but most days we’ll have class at 7:30am!  Eek.  Should be find if I can remember to turn my alarm on.

I’ve decided nan would be an awesome language school host… too bad there isn’t a language school in Cary.  My Tico mama has been awesome… doing laundry, cooking amazing meals for me, helping me with Spanish.  Today she patiently looked at all my pictures as I used broken Spanish to tell her who everyone is.  So, now she knows lots of you… ha! :)

Erin Timmons made me promise to give a recap of 5 new friends I made today… so here goes.  It will be neat to see what the Lord does with these friendships over the next couple months.  Most people in my intensive program are just here for 2 months… thus begins the next phase of my life… constantly meeting people and saying goodbye.  It’s not my favorite, to be honest, but I’m excited to have two months with these people.

Laura – lives across the park from me and we’re going to walk to school together!  I’m so glad to have her so close by.
Katherine – the bravest 18 year old I know.  She is here by herself after just graduating from high school.  We met on the way to school this morning, so she lives nearby too.
Mary Beth – speaks WAY more Spanish than the rest of us, so we made her order at the bakery today :)  Also, I’m pretty sure I heard her make a “FRIENDS” reference today, so I think we’ll be friends.
Deborah – is going to be our class mom I think.  She bravely left her two grown children in the states to move to Roatan.  For those who don’t know, that’s only a two hour ferry ride from La Ceiba!
Abby – a teacher from Florida who is in my class.  She knows a little more Spanish than the other three of us and helps us know what the teacher is saying… I’m thankful.

Also… I’m starting my booming social life with a progressive dinner on Saturday night.  We’re going to try to go see a movie sometime this week and also study together.  But the big news is that the school has a weekend trip to Panama in 2 weekends and I’m going :)  so that’s really fun!  I don’t know much about it except we’re going on a bus to the Northern part of Panama and there are beaches and Islands and it’s pretty.  That’s all the info I need!

I am feeling more at home here today and I’m so thankful for that.  I also decided to memorize my new favorite verse in Spanish…
“Y él es antes de todas las cosas, y todas las cosas en él subsisten.” Colosenses 1:17


  1. Hey girl - you have GOT to go to the VIP theater - it's leather reclining seats, you get to order food from waiters in the theater - a total blast - not matter what movie is playing! Good to hear things are going "better". Love ya! te quiero!
