Saturday, June 19, 2010

All my troubles seem so far away…

This is a line from a song that I sang on my premier night as a karaoke star…

What a day :)  Its true everyone.  Tonight I sang karaoke for the first time in my life in my host parents backyard.  We have family, uncle, cousin, nephew, neighbor… all here for a karaoke party!  I had no idea until they asked me if I was going to sing.  Well… now that the microphone is in my hand, I guess so.  My repertoire included Sweet Home Alabama, Yesterday, My Girl, etc.  And many more that they started and put the mic in my hand, but much to their dismay I just looked at them b/c I don’t know half of the English songs they wanted me to sing.  I also learned lots of Spanish favorites tonight.  And by learned I mean, I watched the words go by on the screen…

I am feeling more bonded to my host family, as you can tell.  And I found out tonight that their 24 year old son speaks exceptional English… where has he been all week?  Seriously though he gave me more pointers about Costa Rica than I will ever remember, but he was so nice and such a great resource.  Also… he told me we could walk around one day and take pictures b/c no one will bother me if I am with him.  Yay.  Camera time!  Sometime soon…

As for the adventures in San Jose.  Meeting up with mom and dad’s neighbors was a success, well I picked up a package from their hotel anyway.  So, I felt very accomplished in figuring out the bus and taxi system.  Its slightly less terrifying now that we have done it once.  Also… a strange thing happened…

Traffic in Costa Rica is ridiculous, of course.  Drivers get mad at pedestrians and the same goes the other way.  As we were talking, there was a woman crossing the street in front of Laura and I who was clearly ticked at the cars on the road.  To prove her point she started beating the car in front of her with her umbrella… honestly, she could have broken  window.  The car just kept driving and she was hitting it all down the side… until the trunk got the better of her.  The umbrella got stuck in the trunk of the car and rode off as she watched.  So, here she stands getting drenched in the downpour as her weapon of choice rides off with her victim.  Isn’t it ironic?

So… a day of fun.  Many more to come!

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