Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The language of my heart

I have a terrible memory.  I mean that.  Ask anyone who has been friends with me for any amount of time.  I tell people the same stories over and over again.  I tell people stories that they are a part of b/c I have forgotten that they were there.  I can’t remember actors or actresses.  I can read the same books, and watch the same movies and be surprised every time.  I often get 30 minutes into a movie and think, oh, I’ve seen this before.  But I still can’t remember how it ends. 

All that to say, there is one thing that sticks with me, and its music.  I know the lyrics to more songs than I can possibly start to name.  We had a hymn sing at MTW’s area conference and I knew most of the words to the most of the songs even though we don’t sing strictly hymns in the church where I grew up.  Music just gets in my mind and my heart and stays with me.  And I love that.

Well, I’m finally reaching that heart language with trying to learn language.  Listening to music in Spanish is something that I need to do a lot more.  I have said before that if they wrote the whole Spanish language into a song, I could know it by next week.  But, there is an awful lot already written into songs, so I just need to start learning it.

Today in my grammer class we listened to a song in past tense.  She had written out the lyrics for us with blanks where the verbs should be.  We had to listen and fill in the blanks with the verbs in the right form.  It was hard!  But so good and so fun!  On top of which, I learned a new song because we listened to it over and over again :)

So, here’s a great Christian artist to listen to.  She has a beautiful voice!  And it turns out that I’m going to see her in concert in December, what fun!

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