Today the power was out for no apparent reason. Our house is dark anyway, but when you take away the lights, its ridiculous. So, I was sitting outside doing my homework and squinting at the paper as the sun went down. Eventually I gave that up and started playing word games on my itouch. Then Josefa brought me a candle… back to homework. Okay, nevermind, that’s impossible. Finally when Josefa asked if I had batteries, I was fishing through my room and spotted it…
My headlamp!
It was the hit of the household. I looked ridiculous, but at least I could see. Josefa wanted to know where I got it. :)
In the midst of the darkness, I was cold and needed to put on pants, so my grey sweatpants won the prize b/c they are the ones I could find in the dark. They went great with my grey tshirt I was wearing. In college when I would do this Krissie called me the grey monster and it’s a habit I outgrew when I left college. Well, until today. So please picture the grey monster with a headlamp. Ridiculous. Fine, the lights were off. Well, of course Ariel brings a friend over and the lights come back on catching me in the midst of my crazy look. She probably thinks I dress like this all the time. But I swear it isn’t true!
I really wish you had taken a picture, haha. And was this the same friend of Ariel who saw you in sweats and a dress? :)