The last 10 days have been packed full of graduation fun and festivities.
First there was Y who graduated from beauty school and man am I proud of her. She has become a different person this past year. Much more secure in who she is, proud to have accomplished something in her life, and excited about the future. And she has grown to love Jesus and see Him as the most important thing, which is what matters the most. I am SOOO proud to say that she got an internship at a beauty salon! She went three days last week and this week started working there 7-5:30 every day! That’s a lot of working and she is going to come home tired. But I am so excited for everything that she will learn about beauty stuff, but more than that, about working hard and following rules and a schedule and being responsible. Pray that she does well so that they will want to start paying her in the spring.
Then there was Jeffri. This kid had me at the end of my rope. He told me that graduation was three different days before finally talking to me Thursday night to tell me that it was going to be Friday night. No one came to support him from his friends and family… and I wanted to cry just thinking about it. He has worked so hard this year to do two grades in one year and I don’t think many people in his family get this far in school. But Lesther and Hector and Kate and I were there cheering him on a
s he walked across the stage! And he was smiling ear to ear. He is now part of Kate’s ministry to street kids, so she and Hector will be walking with him to figure out what his future holds as far as schooling goes, but for now I’m just so excited for him! And his mom, I wish she could have been there, but she did call the next day to thank us for going and for supporting him so well.
To finish out the week, Lesther and I were “God-parents”, the best I can think to translate it, for one of his nieces yesterday at her graduation from High School. She is actually a huge blessing to me as she is going to volunteer some in the store for a few days while I try to figure out what to do about Y’s absence since she went to work at the Salon.
I love this! I miss you so much! Thanks for sharing so cool to see what God is doing!