Sunday, June 26, 2011

Car Wash

I’ve mentioned before that we have kids come to our door all the time for food.  Recently I found out that they collect plastic bottles to sell at the recycle.  Well, that’s easy.  So now we’re collecting plastic bottles to save for them.  The workers at the project drink lots of water and soda, so I’m going to start asking teams to gather up all the bottles and save them for me.  I love things like this.  Its such an easy way to be helpful in such a tangible way.

One of the groups that comes has started coming by almost every day and we’ve had to tell them we will only feed them once a day.  Other than that, they get water or sometimes popsicles :)

Anyway… today it was raining, pouring actually.

They came by today in the rain carrying two umbrellas and saw my car sitting in the rain.  They really wanted to wash it, even though it was pouring.  So… alright.  For $1.50 they actually did a great job.  It made me laugh that they took off their shoes and shirts to keep them dry while they worked… even though they walk all over town.

So, introducing Jeffrey, Ever, and Kevin. :)  Kevin is the youngest and was given the job of holding the umbrella so Jeffrey didn’t get wet.

After they were done they each got 10 lempira (about 50 cents) and a sandwich and popsicle.  Except Jeffrey because he was already here this morning.  But I love that Ever ate half of his and shared it. 

When I asked them what they would do with it they said they were going to buy Baleadas down the street, except Ever, he wanted rice and chicken… of course :)

While they ate we read a Bible story and they said they wanted to read another next time they came.  These kids are so patient with my poor pronunciation!

Anyways… hopefully the first picture of many.  We love these kiddos.