Thursday, October 14, 2010

Let me explain, no there is too much, let me sum up

Please tell me you know the movie reference…

Yesterday I got back from area conference with MTW missionaries all over Latin America.  I loved every second of it!  There really is too much to tell you about how amazingly blessed I felt and how renewed and restored I feel coming back to Costa Rica.  So, let me sum up.

Every morning and evening I was reminded of the good news of the Gospel and that the Lord’s message is for me.  Fear, anger, temptation, doubt, and insecurities reign in my heart far too often and the Lord offers freedom.  The good news of the Gospel is that I don’t have to have my life together in a pretty little package to bring it before the Lord.  He takes my mess, all of it.  And He gives me the freedom to be humble, to not always have to be right, to confess sin, to live honestly in community, to apologize, to walk away, to serve, and to love.  And somehow He uses a broken vessel like me in His plan to bring the Gospel to bear and expand His kingdom around the world.  What is He thinking?

I was so blessed and challenged by the teaching from the Word, the music, the seminars, and the testimony of other missionaries.  I was convicted that I complain too much and don’t pray enough.  I am excited again to be part of this global family that is working for the Lord around Latin America.

And what about the rest of the time when we weren’t in meetings?  Well, I got to see old friends and make new friends.  I enjoyed spending time with my team and FINALLY meeting all of them face to face.  (I want to move to Honduras tomorrow!)  I was humbled by the kids whose Spanish puts me to shame and motivated to study more.  I ate well and far too much.  I didn’t see a drop of rain :)  I enjoyed being in the sun.  I read books in English just for fun.  I did some line dancing and watched a youth talent show. 

All in all.  It was great and I was a little sad that it had to end – perhaps because I knew that missed homework assignments waited for me here in San Jose :)  But I’ll get caught up and I’m excited to be where God has me for now.

Here’s team Honduras… (missing a few!)
left to right: Clows, Pettengills, Shannon, McCanns
By way of an update, Bethany and Leo are here with me in language school for one-two months and both headed to La Ceiba as interns.  Mike and Ashley are raising support and Lord-willing will come to Costa Rica in January.  Kate is raising support and should hit Costa Rica next August.  Please pray for our ever expanding team!

1 comment:

  1. Great team photo with you in the middle. You will be there soon. Nancy Wall
