Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cooking Adventures

Today Barb and I had cooking adventures together.  I LOVED it :)

The plan was to make bagels, which we did.  But bagels require lots of waiting… so as we’re waiting Barb says… “How about making pierogies?”  (p.s. I have no idea how to spell that word!)  And so we got to work.  Turns out that neither recipe is terribly complicated and both things turned out delicious!

Here is our process in pictures…

Kneading the dough for bagels after getting the pierogi shells ready

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Bagels rising…

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So its kind of fun that the shells stretch so much… we made some monster sizes.  Gerry decided to give you a frame of reference.

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Boiling the bagels before they cook

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And they’re done!  That’s right I had already eaten half of one before we remembered to take a picture :)

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1 comment:

  1. so fun! just found your blog:) i'll have to get the bagel recipe - i'm not a very patient cook but we really love bagels so the waiting part might be worth it!
