Monday, August 30, 2010

Class time

So, tomorrow starts my first official trimester of Spanish class here are ILE.  Thanks for the prayers, I placed into a class that I’m hoping is exactly where I need to be.  I feel like I did as well as I could have on the placement tests.  I was able to answer all the questions I should have known and I just left everything else blank :)  But I placed on the higher end of classes for the trimester, thanks to summer intensive program.  Now I need to just not get a false sense of “Spanish security” since placing well in class doesn’t necessarily mean I can communicate.  I’m reminded of that after the humbling adventure of being at a birthday party yesterday with 35 ticos.  I can understand most of what goes on, but I can’t even begin to form a sentence fast enough to jump in on the banter.  One of these days…

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