Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Today I am meeting with two girls who are interested in PDE.  One is about 5 months pregnant and the other has a baby around 1 1/2 or 2 years old.  They are both from the area here in La Ceiba and both have expressed real interest in coming.  I am really asking the Lord for wisdom to know if they are a good fit to come and live with us!  I always enjoy this part of meeting new girls for the first time and starting the process of getting to know them.  But its also hard b/c they tend to say a lot of what they think I want to hear instead of really what is on their hearts.

I also am really burdened about moving them into the home before we have a psychologist to work with us.  I have two leads on potential psychologists, but as of now still haven't gotten to speak to either one of them yet.  Can you please pray with me that God will provide there perfect person to come alongside us in this way?  The need is so great...

Also last week we did a two day training with our house moms and Lyssa and Amy were both able to join us for that time.  It was very Gospel-centered, encouraging us to show the same love, mercy, and grace that we have received from the Lord to these girls as they enter the home.  There are so many situations with them where patience and compassion are so very hard.  But we know that it is worth it to fight to love them well and show them Jesus as much as we can.  I would love to share more later on about what we've learned and how we are going to try to put it into practice.  We also are starting a new chores sheet / budget chart this week with C to see how its going to work out before we get new girls in the house.  Basically we're growing and changing and trying to use what the Lord has taught us over the last few years to make this home even more successful.

Thanks for reading, for caring about this ministry, for your prayers and your partnership!

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