Monday, July 14, 2014

So now what?!?

Great question.  Its been a rough few weeks of disappointment and transition.  I have watched two girls walk back into lives that are not best for them.  I have watched them throw away opportunities, school, and a new understanding of family to go back to what they have always known.  I cling to the truth that God's Word does not come back void and that both of these girls hear the Gospel clearly many times while living with us.  I'm praying for them to really know and walk with Jesus, because they need Him so much more than they need PDE.

So what are we doing now that we have only one girl and one baby in the house?

Well... first of all, we are working with C and preparing her to graduate!  In December she will move out and become self-sufficient as she now has a stable job, loves Jesus, and is a great mom to W.  It is so encouraging that she has worked so hard and we have seen God change and mature her over these last few years!

We are praying!  I know of two other girls in nearby communities that fit our criteria, but who knows if they will come to the home.  I can say with certainty that there is never a lack of young single moms in need... its more just waiting on the Lord to show us which girls are a good fit for our home.  And praying that they find us at the right time.  We are putting the word out and are confident God will bring who He wants, when He wants.

We are changing.  This is the most calm that PDE has been since we started this ministry in 2012.  And man, we have learned a lot since then.  I want to re-train our house moms in some areas and revamp our rules and general running of the house.  We have seen lots of different girls come through the home, but there are some behavior themes that we need to work on how to handle in a Godly and patient way.  Oh the stories I could tell you :)  So I really see this time as necessary to pray and seek some wisdom and advice and make some really needed changes.

Also, will you pray something specific for us????  We NEED a psychologist who can work with the house moms and the girls at least once a week.  But not just any psychologist will do... I am specifically praying for someone who loves Jesus and agrees with us in vision and purpose and who has experience with abuse and broken families.  We're going on 2 years looking for this person and have yet to find her, but never have I felt the need so deeply as I do now.  After dealing with threats, suicide attempts, rape victims, and more... not to mention just depression, abandonment, defeat, and rebellion... we need help.  Please pray that the Lord will bring this person to our ministry!

Lastly, I'm going to try to focus during this time on support raising and getting us up to full monthly support.  Right now we have $5164 pledged monthly out of a necessary $8000.  If you would like to get more information about supporting us monthly, please email me at  If you support us monthly and would consider upping your support, even by just $10, that would make a big difference!  If you know people or churches who may be interested in our ministry, please contact me.  Support raising is one of the hardest parts of this ministry for me, especially to do it from being a country away.  So any help from our partners stateside is a huge encouragement!

Here's the info...
Puerta de Esperanza is account #92413
The donations link is here

Or you can mail a check to MTW with the e-giving form to
Mission to the World
P.O. Box 2589
Suwanee, GA 30024-0982

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