Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What we can write about?

I got to share with you recently about how Angel's English is coming along, so I thought I'd take to minute to share about Nicolle.  She is doing awesome and just recently the other kids at her school started calling her "gringa" because of her English.  She cannot decide if that is a good or bad thing :)  But I'm proud of her!

There are still a thousand things she says every day that I will not be able to remember right now to write them down much less in 5 years when I want to tell her about them, so I'm going to do my best to record what I can...

The one that makes me laugh most consistently and also the only one I'm really trying to correct is that she doesn't invert any subjects and verbs when she asks questions...
"Mom, what we can eat for dinner?" "Mom, what time it is?" "Mom, what we can do now?"
Did I mention she says my name at least 300 times I day? :)  And recently has fluctuated between saying mom and mama.  I don't know where mama came from?  Does the princess say that in Frozen?  She has just started enjoying watching movies in English and quoting them.  She and Dixi can now sing all the Frozen songs in two languages... awesome.

She says the water makes the garage slidy and that anything hard or chewy is too strong.  "Mom, this bread is too strong for me to eat it."  She helps me cook, "Is it time to mexclit mom?"  The word mix escapes her.

She says "Oh my gosh" thanks to Ahnalies and "that's so fun!"

She is adorable and growing up way too fast.  Before I know it her Spanglish will all be gone and she'll be a full blown teenagers.  And goodness that is scary.

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