Saturday, April 26, 2014


Friday's Bible study may be my favorite so far and it was mainly because the girls asked some great questions...

"Why didn't the creation stay perfect even after Adam and Eve sinned?"
"Was the garden the only perfect place that God made?"
"Why is it important that Jesus not only died but also was raised from the dead?"
"What happened in the three days while Jesus was dead?"

They care :)  And we studied Romans 5 which is just rich with the basics of the Gospel, a challenge to rejoice in sufferings, and just a sweet reminder that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.  Praise the Lord!

M has never really heard the Gospel before and all of this is brand new to her.  It is just exciting to see her learning for the first time and being honest about what she does and does not understand.  Continue to pray for real understanding for her and that she will know Jesus!!!

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