Thursday, May 1, 2014

3 Years in Honduras!

Today is "Happy Shannon Day" according to Evan :)

3 years ago today I arrived at La Ceiba airport with no idea what the future would bring!  This was our team at the time.  Wow.  Things have changed!!!

Today I had the best "anniversary" phone call with one of the PDE girls.  Well, it had nothing to do with being my Honduran anniversary, but it was such a sweet reminder of why the Lord called me here and what He is doing!

M has been wanting to study beauty for the last month, but we've run into some problems with her paperwork.  So when I heard about a class being offered once a week that she could take, we signed her up.  Today I called to ask how it went...  she was so excited to tell me what she learned, but then she interrupted herself...

"Susana... I want a Bible."  "A Bible"  "Yes a Bible, one just for me.  Do you think I could have one?"  "Of course!" "And are you feeling better?  I've been praying every day that you would feel better..."

This coming from a girl who a month ago knew nothing about the Bible or about Jesus.  And I mean nothing.  Rarely had she graced the doors of a church and didn't know any of the basics of the Gospel that we often take for granted.  God is doing something in her life... and I'm so glad that He brought me to Honduras to be able to see it!

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