Thursday, May 15, 2014

Moving Day is coming

Saturday is going to be a big day at PDE... we are moving to a new house!!!!!!!!

We have been in the current house since before PDE even opened in October of 2011!  It has been a great first house for PDE and we have learned so much there and made so many memories.  We got a new paint job last year that we have enjoyed and the walls are marked with the girls' paintings and children's scribbles.  I'm a little on the sentimental side and sad to leave, but excited about our new place!

The street in front of the girls' house floods and they have had to walk to work and school in knee deep water, which is no fun.  There isn't a really good place for the babies to play and some steps that all of them have fallen off of and bumped their heads at one time or another.  The water goes out all the time, which makes washing dishes and clothes for 9 people a challenge.  So although it was a great first house, its time to go.

We aren't moving far, just about a mile away.  I like that its on the side of town closer to my house, the neighborhood is a little more secure and the house is not on a high traffic road.  They can still walk almost everywhere and the house has this big patio in the back where the babies can play!

So pray for us Saturday that we can get everything moved and everyone settled in!  Then I'll post pictures :)


  1. How did the move go? It’s sad to have to move away after making all those memories. But hey, it’s just a mile away after all. I do think that the pros outweigh the cons in that one. At least you guys get to have more space to stretch and move around, right? All the best to you guys! :D
    Amos Daniel @ Jamie Hooper Re/Max Crest Realty Westside

  2. At the time when my moving day comes, I am very much afraid that what to do or what not. Then I will take help from the piano removalists Melbourne company and my store goes out. Try some best companies to move.
