Monday, May 6, 2013


In other news... blogging on the tablet is the slowest most tedious process.  My computer got eaten by a virus.  Totally eaten.  We, read Lesther, have tried everything to fix it.  New Ram, new hard drive, new windows, nothing.  Dead.  Heis currently working with my hard drive in a different computer to at least salvage the files, but the virus hid them.  Ugh.  So the new budget will be taking a hit this month because new computer certainly wasn't part of it.  And I don't know why it shakes me so much, but being compterless feels helpless... no communication, no ability to get parts of my work done, losing all the things I had saved.. I'm not going to lie, I cried.  Crazy how much I depend on that metal box.  So, alas.

The really fun news of the week is that we bought trees, oranges, leches, and avacado... and plants, gerber daises and a rose.  We are actually putting down roots.  We love our new house, our neighborhood, our family.  We are learning and growing and having easier days now that we are used to each other.  We just cant wait till our trees are big enough to put up hammocks:)

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