Sunday, September 9, 2012

Car Rides

Two year olds love car rides!  I take that back, it could be a lie.  But our little almost twins E and J love riding in the car.  Maybe its because they don’t have to ride in a carseat and get to ride on someone’s lap.  Or maybe its because when we get in my neighborhood I let them drive down my street.  Or maybe its because I always run the AC :)  I know that is E’s favorite part… he is really the sweatiest baby that I know!

But I am learning a valuable lesson.  There is a phrase they know well in Spanish and English… “let’s go”/”vamanos”.  Don’t say that within earshot of the kiddos if you don’t plan on taking them with you.  There are immediate shrieks of excitement and they go barreling towards the front door.  This is followed by tears, tantrums, and screaming when they realize they don’t get to go along.  :(  It would make me feel really loved if they cried when I left, except I know its not really me they are sad about!

And our 11 month old W has started in on the whole game.  He can now toddle around like a 11 month old drunk man and tries to make it to the door in time too.  When that doesn’t work he just hugs me really hard and cries every time I try to give him back to his mom.  You’re breaking my heart there little guy… if only you didn’t have an ulterior motive…

The good news is… they know a phrase in English!  And Juli tells me “I love you” when I leave.  Love that. :)

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