Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh the faithfulness of the Lord

As you all know, I have been raising money for a car for when I get to Honduras.  I have been praying, but I will admit, not nearly as hard as I should have been, that the Lord would provide the $4000 before I arrive on May 1st.  This is not a long time.  I do not take money lightly, and $4000 is a lot!  And I only first sent out postcards about a month ago.

And yet the Lord knows all of our needs exactly.  He knew exactly what I needed, when I needed it, and how He was going to get it to me.  He provided consistently the whole time, encouraging me every step of the way that He was bringing in the money that I needed.  And then this week I get a call that the rest of the money I needed came in… what?!?  That’s amazing.  In one big chunk from one very generous heart, the Lord finished giving me everything I needed to buy my car. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  To everyone who gave or prayed… I am so thankful that the Lord hears us and answers the prayers of His children.  He is a provider.

I am buying the car from the McCanns who left Honduras on Thursday to go back to the states.  What joy there is in the Lord’s timing that this very week I could tell them that I have all the money for them to buy a car in the states, or a house, or whatever they need for where the Lord is taking them.  It’s a blessing all around.

When I told my friend Erin about it and how incredible the Lord’s timing is, she said, “Shannon, God can do anything.”  So simple.  And I know it.  But I am so quick to forget.

Also, if you were interested in giving money towards this car fund and would still like to donate money to the Honduras team, we have a desperate need for funds for our building projects.  To find out more about it, read here.  We would love your prayer and financial support!

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