Thursday, April 14, 2011

a flavor favorite

I’m going to tell you about tonight’s dinner that I’d like to call “almost” chickfila…

Cassie is awesome and brought me 6 little gems in a ziplock baggy!  6 containers of chickila sauce… this is a serious flavor favorite of mine.

So tonight I went to Burger King and got a chicken finger combo (you don’t have to tell me, its not the same, but you do what you can with what you have! ).  And dipped in chickfila sauce, it tasted pretty awesome!  I am so glad I have four more… anybody want to eat at the mall tomorrow? :)  I’m only kind of kidding…

Next time I’m going to try KFC and see if there chicken fingers are better.  But the weirdest thing was going on there tonight when we got there.  There wasn’t a menu up on the board and the coke machine was missing the whole front panel.  Makes it difficult to order.  Any suggestions on the next best thing to chickfila chicken?  My choices are Mcdonalds (without chicken selects), Wendys, Burger King, and KFC.  Please give me your chickfila sauce spending advice!