Thursday, March 10, 2011


This is, for me the hardest part about being a missionary.  I want my blog to be about Jesus and life and what the Lord is doing in the lives and hearts of people.  I want to write funny stories and Spanish mishaps and let you know my friends.  And I get to do all of those things via this wonder called the internet!

But I also need to share a need with you as I get ready to leave language school and head to Honduras.  I need a car.  Mission to the World doesn’t do cars because of some tax complications so missionaries have to raise money independently to buy a car.

The thought of having to raise more money gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach, but it shouldn’t because I trust that the Lord will provide.

So I’m putting it out there.  I need $4000 to buy a car.  The Lord has provided for me already and I have a car waiting for me in Honduras, but I still have to pay for it.  So if you would like to help support me in this way, I am very grateful.  If you would like to join me in praying that the Lord would provide these funds by April, I would be blessed by that as well.

You need to send checks to Shannon Innes to my parent’s address.  I don’t want to post that on the blog, so if you need it you can write to me at

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way I want to spend a little time recalling just a few of the AMAZING ways that the Lord has provided for in the past.  It is such an encouragement to me to remember and I hope it will be encouraging to you too that we serve a God who is a PROVIDER!

1. I went to Zambia and when I got back a family at church had paid to put new tires on my car.

2. Multiple times I found cash in an envelope with my name on it in my box at church with an anonymous note that said, “we’re thankful for you!”

3. Many of you supported me so that I could take a mission trip to India which is the way the Lord called me to full-time missions

4. I raised a bunch of money in just 10 months… (when someone asked me last week how I did it my only response is that the Lord did it b/c I still remember that day MTW showed me my budget and I told them there was no way I was going to Honduras!)

5. Tyler’s grandma bought the house I was living in without expecting us to do may repairs and we never had to put it on the market!

6. Erin bought my car and I never had to advertise it

7. People at Peace Church paid for us to have a turkey for Thanksgiving here in Costa Rica

8. My mom’s Bible study sent all the food so that I could make Thanksgiving dinner for my host family and lots of neighbors and show the Lord’s love to them in that way

9.  Kristi sent me Lucky Charms in the mail :)

10.  Someone gave my mom a bag of $45 worth of quarters today to go towards my car!

The Lord is a provider… always has been and always will be.  This time is no different.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll pray for a car! I remember how perfectly God provided for Erin's car to sell and for her to buy your car...he can provide a car for you too!
