Thursday, March 17, 2011

oh the stories…

Tonight I’m watching the Messick kids and we took time to take a fun trip to Pizza Hut.  While we were there conversation revolved around the rocket ship on TV, how much coke they were allowed to drink, and my love life, of course.

M: Miss Shannon, are you a teenager?
J: No, she’s an adult!
M: Then why don’t you have any kids?
Me: Because I haven’t found a good man to marry yet.
J: Miss Shannon… are you even looking?

Thank you six year old for sounding exasperated with me for not being married.  You help my self-esteem… :)


  1. ha! this cracks me up. nothing like kids to remind you that you are ALL ALONE! my neice looked up at me one day and declared, in a very matter-of-fact voice, "You go to sleep all alone every night." Why, thanks, thanks for reminding me.

  2. Did you tell him God is looking for you?
