Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"Happy Last Retreat"

Silly string, a blue dress, lots of tears and lots of prayers made up my surprise "Happy Last Retreat" party this weekend. I was at the beach with 26 of my favorite people in the whole world (the Peace Church youth group girls) for my last girls retreat. It was an awesome weekend full of sermons, prayers, discussion, volleyball, PICTURES, temporary tattoos (I have a sharpie bird on my foot), walks on the beach, and so much more. I just love the girls retreat. But my favorite part was Sunday afternoon after Tyler conned me with a fake heart-to-heart so they could surprise me :) (Our heart-to-heart was still good!) I was just blown away by the goodness of the Lord to me through these girls. As we stood in a circle these girls who hate praying out loud, and I should know b/c I make them do it and its like doing a tooth extraction, voluntarily prayed for me as I move on to the Lord's new calling on my life. Obviously, I was crying. Okay, we all were. It was just such a sweet and precious time. I am thankful that the Lord chose to use me in this place for this time. He has allowed me to watch and be a part as He has grown these girls up into women who love Him and want to follow Him with their whole hearts. The Lord is doing a mighty work in the girls at Peace and I am praying that they are going to blown away by what He is going to do in and through them this summer. I love you girls and I'm going to be devestated to leave you. It is only because I am confident that the Lord has called me to Honduras and is working for His glory and my good that I can leave being confident that He has a good and perfect plan for each of your lives as well!

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