Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Just Life

Sometimes there just isn't much to say except that we are just living life around here.  We are playing and doing school and working and learning how to be a family together.  J and W are loving playing together these days and thankfully they both let Nicolle boss them around a little bit.  She loves to go with me to PDE when I'm doing school with Juli or just to play with the babies for awhile.  I'm so thankful for such a flexible daughter.

We are working on making a big switch in the girls' store.  I want to be able to give the store over to the two oldest girls, so we are just waiting for the information we need to be able to make the store into a Coop.  Until then the girls are enjoying a week off and are resting at home.

C had a big abcess on her leg this week so we are so thankful for our medical team that is here right now who helped her yesterday by draining it.  She was miserable while it happened, but ultimately, definitely going to feel better.  C is also in final exams for the summer section of school and will have a few weeks off before starting again at the end of August.

My mom is here and its been great!  I have been sick with bronchitis, so she has been helping me at home, but also helping me at PDE.  She did preschool with J yesterday and made the cutest "About Me" book that we laminated to be a keepsake for J's mom.  It inspired me to try to do it for the kids every year so their moms can have it to look back on.

Yesterday during Bible Study with B I was just overwhelmed at how much more I want to teach them.  She has finished her book on basic steps of Christianity and so we just started reading through Philippians.  She didn't know it was a letter written to a church, she didn't know that Paul was a church planter.  She has read that book many times in church in her childhood, but never had a clue what it was about!  I am thankful for the teaching that I have had and challenged to pass it along to these girls.  We just had such a sweet time reading straight from Scripture and talking about how it applies to her life and my life.  What does it grace and mercy mean in marriage?  How does it affect her future with a man?  What does it mean that God has promised to complete the work He began in her?

We've been having trouble with our two youngest teens.  They just cannot seem to get along.  It is the first time that I have had two girls in the house actually fight, like leave a bruise.  They are so similar and can't see it.  If they could stop being frustrated for 5 seconds, I think they would be best friends.  But they are both easily angered and very defensive.  They trust no one and think the worst of each other.  They have hard, similar, pasts.  So pray for them.  This Thursday they are moving into the same bedroom in an effort to help them learn how to live together.  They have both shed many tears over this turn of events.  But I am praying for a change of heart and that the Lord will bind their hearts together.

We have a connection at church that has mentioned the possibility of scholarships for the kids to eventually go to bi-lingual preschool.  I am looking into that more, but just so thankful that the Lord is using local resources to remind me that He provides.

We still need monthly sponsors.  This week I have two new sponsors!  THANK YOU THANK YOU!  Please keep putting the word out there, be it $10/month of $300/month, it is a much needed blessing.  You can set it up here and our number is #92413.

 Thanks for all your prayers and support and for reading! :)

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