Friday, July 5, 2013

Hard news

I haven't been posting much recently, but that doesn't mean that life has been quiet.

I am asking for prayers for our nephew.  This is Rey, he is 18 and was one of Lesther's groomsmen in our wedding.  He works at the same AC shop with Lesther and his brother, is a hard-working, quiet kid, and has always been strong and healthy.  This week he was diagnosed with  Leukemia.  I am thankful for our team and that Doctor Roger was working at the clinic so that I could take Rey and his mom there.  I'm so thankful for Erin who worked oncology in the states and has been answering my constant phone calls of questions.  I'm reading articles and calling nurse friend Amy and trying to figure out as much as I can about whats going on so I can relay info to the family.
There are no oncologists or hematologists in la Ceiba, so Wednesday they took him to San Pedro Sula where he was put in the hospital.  Its hard to be so far away and not know exactly what is going on.  But we trust that the Lord knows exactly what is going on, is giving wisdom to the Doctors, and is not surprised by any of this.  Praise the Lord that almost all of Lesther's family are believers and are clinging to the Lord in this time.

Please pray for good medical care, for quick healing, for the provision of the money he needs for treatment, for him to be able to sleep, for quick test results to come back from Guatemala, and for us to just be able to love and encourage each other well as a family during this time.  

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